Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 458

714 Addington Street East, Tamworth (613) 379-5399

The Royal Canadian Legion has approximately 600,000 members with 1,700 branches throughout Canada, the U.S.A. and Germany. In January 1947, some 30 WWI and WWII veterans met in Bud Water’s Barber Shop to pursue the formation of a Tamworth Branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League. In February 1947, the first meeting to form a branch took place in the Town Hall. A provisional Executive was appointed consisting of: R.K. Stinson, President; E.G. Richmond, Sec/Treas; and Executive Members; C.L. Wager, N.L.B. Coburn and Harold Davison. Thus Branch 458 of The Royal Canadian Legion was formed. Over the course of   those 65 years, the Legion has not wavered in its role of being a service provider to veterans, community and youth.

While veterans are directly supported through our commitment to the Legion Villa, a residence located in Kingston, we offer an “outreach” program that assists veterans in need. Branch 458  is very active in promoting the recognition of Remembrance Day in honour of our veterans and we are very appreciative of the public participation in these events.

We support the Tamworth Erinsville Community Development Committee, the Tamworth Canada Day Committee, the Tamworth Lions Food Drive, and Lennox & Addington County Hospital for a local focus and several large registered charities such as the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Canadian Diabetes Association, Kingston Hospitals Foundation, March of Dimes,  and the Spina Bifida Association for a wider outreach.

 We host the Santa Claus Parade and Santa’s visit with children, operate Remembrance Day poster and poetry competitions for nearby schools, assist with self esteem programs for students, work cooperatively with Parent Council groups and contribute to minor sports programs on a regular basis. Additionally we have contributed to the Beaver Lake Swim Program, the Community Safety Net – Fire Safety program and to Almost Home.

As a community service organization we are always open to new members. You do not require a connection to any aspect of military life to participate in Legion activities. The reality is that very few active members have a military background.  If you think you might be interested in being part of this group of volunteers please call the Legion at 613 – 379 – 5399 to  acquire answers to any of your questions and to find out about being a member. It’s good to belong.

That being said, our facilities are also available for non-member, public use. The Legion hall, with a capacity of 120 people, is available for wedding receptions, reunions, dances, Awards ceremonies and other functions. The evening rental fee is $200.00 plus HST and includes the bar services and the use of the kitchen.  Different fee arrangements may be available for regularly scheduled activities.

The Legion offers weekly scheduled activities available to the public for their participation. 

 Wednesday: 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.   Bridge
 Thursday:      8:00 – 9:30 p.m.      Darts

Additionally, the Legion provides Shuffleboard, Billiards, Cribbage, Euchre, Special Community Breakfasts, Dart Tournaments as well as once a month hosting BINGO on a Friday evening (usually the first Friday of the month) at 7:30 p.m.
Again please contact us 613 – 379 – 5399 to obtain the latest schedule.

We are open: Thursday 7pm-9pm
                      Friday 7pm-10pm
                      Saturday 3pm-8pm
Darts Thursday 7pm-10pm

Branch 458 holds its general membership meetings on the second Monday of
the month at 7:30 p.m., September to June inclusive.

The Tamworth Legion hosts a multitude of functions in the community, from holding formal Remembrance Day services to providing a recreation facility, banquet hall and a community meeting centre. The Tamworth Legion is  an integral part of the community and we would love to have you be part of our efforts. You don’t have to be a member to help out at events and gatherings but becoming a member is easy and the good done by the organization is rewarding. Ask for membership information to see if it is right for you.

Follow us on Facebook for current events   Royal Canadian Legion Branch 458



 Lest We Forget

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 458
714 Addington St. East
Tamworth Ont., K0K 3G0
Phone : (613)554-9201